DIY: Reindeer Gift Bags

I made these cute little reindeer bags for my nanny girls school Christmas parties. We filled each reindeer with peppermints, chocolates and other fun candies! These were fun to make and less than $1 per bag including all the candy! The girls told me that the gift bags were a big hit with their classmates. I found this cute idea from Family Fun.

1.        Use a pencil to mark a brown paper bag as shown, then cutalong the solid lines to create a rounded top and 2 separate teardrop earshapes.
2.       Fold thebag along the dotted line, then hot glue an antler (cut from brown card stock) andan ear inside the fold on each side of the bag.
3.       For theeyes, (I bought googly eyes from Micheal's craft store -- much easier than cutting out your own) glue them to the bag with a hot glue gun.
4.       Glue ona red pom-pom for a nose. Let all of the glue dry before placing a small giftinside.

***If your kids are under 10 yrs. old I'd suggest doing all the gluing yourself. You can have little one help with separating and stuffing the bags with candy.***