Simple Summer Secrets

#1. Ice Cube Tray as Sunburn Soother

Freeze cubes of aloe vera for instant sunburn relief when you forget the SPF. Squeeze aloe gel into the tray and freeze over night. Keep them in the freezer for emergencies.


#2. Broken Blender? Use a Mason Jar

If you accidentally broke your blender pitcher, use a mason jar. Most large mason jars will screw into a standard size blender base. Make sure that the blade doesn’t touch the glass!  
If you have ample clearance, blend away!

#3. Citrus Peels as Bowls
Serve sorbet in a memorable way. After juicing (or eating) grapefruit, orange, lemon, or lime halves, scoop out and freeze the peels. Cut a small slice off the bottom to create a level surface (without creating a hole), then fill with ice cream.

#4. Egg slicers can slice more than just eggs!
Use your egg slicer to cut your strawberries 10x faster! Now why didn’t I think of this earlier!

#5. Bundt Pan as Corn Holder
Cut corn from the cob without the mess. Place an ear in the center of a Bundt pan. As you slide the knife down, the corn will fall right into the pan.

#6. Baby Oil as Tar Remover
Bare feet left with a bit of tar after a long day on the beach? Lift it off with a dose of baby oil. P.S. it's also good for eye make-up remover. I use it all the time.

#7. Drink Carrier as Condiment Kit
Cart condiments to a backyard barbecue. Slot flatware, ketchup and mustard in the compartments for easy transport. I've seen these at the Catalina Fish Kitchen. Cute and thrifty.

#7. Cupcake Liner as Drip Catcher
Before serving that Popsicle, slip the stick through a foil liner to catch drips and keep hands from getting sticky.

 All pictures by Real Simple found at stumbleupon